The plot:Three guys take their best friend to Vegas to throw him a bachelor party and then they loose him.
I saw this movie last weekend. This is a placeholder for my review and will try to write it up in the next day or two. IT AIN'T GONNA BE PRETTY!!
It's been a week since I watched this movie and here is what stands out the most:
- The stupid bearded guy opening the car door and hitting the babies head.
- The 3 or 4 scenes featuring projectile vomiting.
- The name rip-off where they had a "white doug" and a "black doug" They stole this idea from the FX network TV show Rescue Me. On that show they have "White Sean" and "Black Sean". It's mildly funny on Rescue Me but just lame and out of place in this Vegas train wreck.
- The prick father of the groom loans his pristine Mercedes to the guys to take to Vegas. Of course it was going to be completely trashed by the end of the movie. Who didn't see coming from about 200 miles away! Duh!
- The guy who is Andy on The Office actually plays the same exact character in this movie. He even sings the same moron/stupid songs in the movie. Ugh.. so painful to watch.
- The way too many scenes of man crack. Having just one scene is too much but they had to keep showing the stupid guy's ass. It wasn't that funny on the show Jackass. Is it funny now?
- My feelings of pity for Heather Graham. She is an actress who has been in a lot of movies, some of them were good. She must be getting desperate to allow herself to be associated with this cast of losers in this horrible mess of movie.
- The pervert bearded guy is yelling "hey baby" to someone in the car next them. They swing the view around and we see that he is hitting on a 10 year old girl. Is that really supposed to be funny? Really??
- Mike Tyson as an actor. Do I need to say more?
- Every 10 minutes someone says something like, "I don't remember what happened last night or Gosh what happened? Where is whats his name? How did this baby get here? Do you know what happened last night?..." It never stops. Didn't most of us already know that they were all going to have a blackout and not remember the big bender night in Vegas? Isn't that the whole premise of this stupid ass movie??
- A quote from the first scene in the movie, "We fucked up". You could actually apply that declaration to the entire production.
so i guess you didnt like it?
nailed it
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