Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I saw the movie Inglorious Basterds on Saturday and the movie Hurt Locker last night. Both are good. The Basterds gets a B+ and the Hurt Locker a B.

The Basterds is a WWII movie should see in the theaters while you still can. it would be good on a tv but most def a movie-theater-movie. The story is top notch and so are the characters and acting. This movie is punctuated by some really extreme violence. The European culture is captured really well. The movie is about 1/2 in English and 1/2 in subtitles (they speak German, french and Italian) After awhile i got so immersed in the story I almost forgot i was reading subtitles. It was interesting how these guys changed WWII history as we know it. Like i said... it's a great story.

The Hurt Locker is the name soldiers give the the armored suit they wear when disarming bombs in Iraq. This is a good movie that just goes a bit too long. There are lots and lots of really good combat scenes and a sniper duel that was so real i just wanted to get out of my theater seat and find cover before the next bullet was aimed at me.

I highly recommend both of these movies... See them in the theater and enjoy the big screen! The hurt locker really makes you feel like you're in the desert, riding shotgun in a Humvee, or providing cover for your buddy as he walks in slow motion in his bomb suit toward an IED.

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